Friday, January 26, 2018

A Backup Plan

Social media can be a harsh mistress. It loves when you upload content and will happily allow you to post anything that doesn't violate their terms of use, but the dark side is that they can toss you off their platform at any time without warning. It's still their platform, no matter how much you might personalize your page.

I had a little scare last night when I couldn't access our Facebook page - our primary platform and where we post all of our updates, host live videos, etc. Fortunately I can get back in (for now, anyway - cue ominous music), but it really made me think about a backup plan. I don't want to be dependent on anyone else, especially since next Tuesday's episode could be a little controversial. So here's the plan, should we ever get tossed from a platform:

1. We post all of our episodes (other than live videos) to both Facebook and YouTube and at least truncated versions on Instagram. If one platform boots us, it will be on another.

2. In the unlikely, but still remotely possible, event that everyone simultaneously boots us, we'll post our videos directly to our website, which is here. It's a bit out of date, but we're planning an upgrade in the not too distant future, which will be fun!

Here are all of our social media links, just in case:


I have to admit this is is actually kind of fun. 

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