Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Blue Book for Miss Teen

While clearing out my mother-in-law's house the other day Paul came across the Blue Book for Miss Teen, published in 1959 by the New York Daily News ("New York's Picture Newspaper") and made available for 25 cents to area young ladies.  I'll let the introduction speak for itself:

"The ins and outs of poise and polish and finer points of the sweet and bitter puzzles that pave the way to womanhood are here collected for Miss Teen, the young girl who grows up faster, earlier and more "compleat" than ever before tending a tiller or a tennis racket, a community minstrel show or a church bazaar, cheerleading one moment and caring for the neighborhood children the next, keeping up with current affairs and ancient history, physics and Phineas Fogg, and ready to discourse just as easily on a coiffure, casserole or cabinet, a flower centerpiece or a flower print.

Helping you meet this merry mix-up looking, feeling and behaving your best, and enjoying every minute of it, is the purpose of this little handbook, prepared by well-known writers on the Woman's Editorial Staff of The News.  Best of all, each chapter is part of a continuing story for, fortunately, there never is a last word on how we look or feel or associate with our friends.  You'll find each of the stories represented here continued every day in the pages of the News, and in the many booklets and leaflets offered by The News to its readers."

Here are the first few pages from the chapter about cooking.  The entire chapter features a heavy emphasis on entertaining, as presumably no teenaged girl was about to just cook for herself.  Enjoy!

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